Friday, November 14, 2008

The Abraham's - Family

I'm back! Yay! And I'm so excited to show you this wonderful family, so dear to my heart.Theatre class auditions; Alyssa walked in the door. She was one of the 'cool' girls, you could tell. The way she walked boasted self-confidence and coolness oozed from her demeanor. Though attracted to her fabulous sense of style, bold hair, and infectios laugh, the moment she opened her mouth and belted out "Macavity" with natural finesse, I was resigned to love and admire her from afar. Then, one fateful day, I made her laugh. Now I get to hear her laugh every time we're together, and it brings me so much joy!

I met her family and fell in love with them. We have the best of times! They invited a Korean exchange student into their lives and not only let her in, but embraced her as one of their own. By God's grace, this family had the privalige of leading Sejin to the Lord. Sejin, I'm so glad you are here, not only with the Abraham's but with us! You hold a special place in my heart.

I am so honored that you entrusted me with capturing your family portraits. Fun and laughter have always characterized our get-togethers and your session was no different. Thank you so much.I love you all!


jamiedelaine said...

Oooh! Cait!! Love these. What a great find that couch was. Gorgeous light.

Leah Bowman said...

BEAUTIFUL! You caputed the Abraham's so perfectly. Gustav may have stolen the show if not for Alyssa's smile and Josh's hat and glasses!!! :)

I still need a playdate!!! :D

joelle said...

Aww...Cait, you are amazing! These our excellent! :)

Christi Ann Photography said...

I love the one in front of the barn!! YAY

Cait said...


Jamie - I am sooooo glad I bought the couch. Like, you don't even know. It's been amazing.

Leah - I know. I love those people. Also I'm sure Gustav could make time to have a playdate... :)

Joelle and Christi - Thanks guys. Really means a lot!