Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ginny - Anytime

I don't know how it happened. It just did. All at once I had this great friend who always makes me laugh and who likes to get coffee. She leaves the best messages and keeps me from feeling stupid. When one of us trips over something the other helps her up, laughing at her lack of skillz.

She is awesome. She is Ginny.


Anonymous said...

you are gorgeous.
you're SO talented!!! [:

Anonymous said...
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Nick Schlax said...

Beautiful work. I especially love that first shot. You sure pull a lot of great stuff out of that 50mm. :)

Cait said...

Bhriel - Thanks. I was so excited to shoot such a lovely model. :D

Nick - Thanks! Actually the first shot set up was my favorite. Well, not the absolute favorite, but so close! I loved Ginny's shirt with the couch and then the tree was a huge plus. I LOVE my 50mm!!! It's amazing, I tell you. Thanks for getting me hooked.

Christi Ann Photography said...

awesome! love them :)

Leah Bowman said...

I just love Ginny! These shots are beautiful and so fun!

Keep on Rockin'!!!

Cait said...

Thanks guys. I love this girl. :)